Our complete process for your property investment in Brazil

From initial contact to handover of the keys
17 April 2024 by
Our complete process for your property investment in Brazil
Jason Aerts

Investing in real estate in Brazil may seem complex, but with our detailed process, we make every step of the journey easier. Here's how it works:

1. Initial Contact Through Our Website

It all starts with reaching out to us via our website. You let us know your interest, and we begin our collaboration.

2. Phone Call

We schedule a call to discuss available properties and answer all your questions. You can also send us your inquiries in writing at any time, and we stay in touch throughout the process.

3. Sending Our Contract

Once we've discussed the details and you're ready to move to the next step, we send you our contract to formalize our engagement. 

You can view the general draft here

4. Contract Signing and Sending Your Documents

You sign the contract and provide us with a copy of your ID or passport, as well as a recent invoice with your current address.

5. Legal Research

We conduct legal research to ensure everything is in order with the seller and the building(s) of the chosen option(s).

6. Sending Offers and Creating the CPF

We make purchase offers for the chosen properties and guide you through the process of creating your CPF (Cadastro de Pessoas Físicas), necessary for real estate purchases in Brazil.

7. Offer Accepted

Once your offer is accepted by the seller in Brazil, we draft the purchase contract between you and the seller.

8. Contract Signing and Money Transfer

You sign the purchase contract and transfer the money to the seller.

9. Sending Our Invoice and Payment of Our Commission

We send you our invoice for our services (our commission), which you pay once the purchase is finalized.

10. Handover of Keys

You receive the keys to your new property.

11. Administrative Legalization Processes

We handle all administrative aspects related to the legalization of your property.

12. If Renovation

If you wish for renovation work, we send you a detailed quote and await your acceptance and payment. Then, we handle the organization of the renovation.

13. Financial Adjustments

If necessary, we make financial adjustments based on the surplus or deficit resulting from the exchange rate or other factors beyond our control.

14. If Renting Out

We create advertisements for renting out your property (whether for annual or short-term rentals).

15. Launch of Rental Management

We launch the rental management of your property, with one month free for our services.

16. Sending Monthly Invoices

We send you an invoice each month for the costs associated with your property, such as energy, laundry, cleaning, any repairs, as well as our management fees. We provide you with the supporting documentation for each expense. Then, we take care of paying all bills related to your property.

17. Your Payment, Depending on the Type of Rental

If it's a short-term rental, you receive the money directly into your account from the rental platforms. If it's a long-term rental, we make payments to you unless you have a Brazilian account (in which case, you can receive the rent directly into your account).

18. If Selling

If you decide to sell your property, we search for potential buyers through our network and publish your property's listing online.

19. Sale and Brazilian Legalization

We manage the sale process of your property and take care of all legal procedures related to selling your property in Brazil. 

From the initial contact to the conclusion of the deal, we're here to accompany you every step of the way. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or if you'd like to start your real estate investment in Brazil with us.

Want to invest?

Purchase, rental, sale: we take care of everything!